The National Association of Evangelicals is a fellowship in a truly ecumenical and biblical setting offering to the world a visible demonstration of the unity of believers in Jesus Christ.
In our multi-diversity founded on a common acceptance of the infallibility and plenary authority of Scripture we shelter without offense varieties of biblical understanding, as those of the Calvinist, Armenian, Wesleyan, Anabaptist and Charismatic traditions. Together we stand on God’s revelation in Scripture of redemption alone in Jesus Christ the son of God, by grace through faith.
We affirm that our diversities result from our human fallibility and that one day when we know as we are known we shall more adequately see the proper coalescence of all things in the unitary truth which is of God. Until then we work and witness together in acceptance of the inevitable differences that we shall experience in our personal desire to understand the revealed mysteries of God. We know that our God, in His good time, through the coming again of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, will make all mysteries plain and show us all things.
Grateful to Him in Whom we live and move and have our being, for twenty-five years of fellowship and cooperation without compromise, as an association of evangelicals, we pledge ourselves to continue, to be a channel of service for every phase of Christian interest and concern, support and safeguard the Church in its world outreach, and provide a united voice on matters of common agreement.
We face the future aware of larger opportunities and more demanding situations calling for dedicated leaders in greater numbers from all evangelical bodies.
Totally committed Christians in a totally committed Church, by the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, can meet the needs of this generation.