The Church is God’s instrument for service in the world. He gave to the Church the supreme mandate of evangelization. The heart of that mission rests in active servants of Christ representing Him in energetic evangelization.
To evangelize is to proclaim the Good News, the saving word of God’s reconciling love available to whosoever will believe. The transformation of society from bondage of unjust political and social structures to that of equal justice and freedom is a fruit of evangelism. The primary aim of evangelism is the salvation from sin.
The Church is God’s divinely ordained instrument for evangelization He has no other redeeming agency on earth. For this reason evangelization is the first priority of the Church’s ministry in the world. God’s plan is not random evangelization, but it is to be a concerted effort to establish viable communities of believers throughout the planet earth. The Church in turn must use all the available means to let the earth hear God’s voice.
Significant in the propagation of the Good News has been the use of mass media. If the media message does not anchor to the Church, it falls to fulfill God’s purpose. Jesus declared, “I will build my church.” He did not declare that He would build a program or a personality. His strategy is to develop groups of believers taught, trained, and mobilized for the task of disciplining the nations. Biblically speaking, the question is not whether the work performed by denominations or by nondenominational structures or parachurch groups. Rather all evangelization, regardless of the agency involved, should have the objective of planting churches and the edifying of God’s people.
Communication programs that have no links to visible, local churches are incomplete. Their role is greatly enhanced when dynamically related to the strategy of the Church. The building of the Church is of prime importance.
Media communications are extremely important tools for evangelization, as they work in harmony and have a relationship with the local church. Together Church and media are partners in world evangelization. The National Association of Evangelicals pledges itself to the task of performing in the spirit of the Great Commission the propagation of the Gospel by means of the media which God has provided for us this hour.