Whereas, the NAE previously has gone on record against Federal Aid to Education on the principle of separation of Church and State and inasmuch as a new Federal Aid to Education program is being promulgated, and

Whereas, our public schools are becoming increasingly secularized and, in our judgment, Federal Aid would facilitate this tendency, and

Whereas, Federal Aid is a departure from our traditional American position of individual responsibility and growth, tends toward socialism, the first step toward totalitarianism, and

Whereas, the individual states are proving themselves to be fully able to provide adequate buildings, equipment, and teaching staffs, and to direct the conduct of education of the youth of the land, as the President’s Commission on Federal Responsibility in the field of education and its parents commission, the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, have amply proved, and

Whereas, Federal Aid to Education would open the avenue to Federal Control and thus enable the extremely liberal educational elements in UNESCO to forward their anti-Christian program including the elimination of Christian schools, and

Whereas, the President’s Commission on Intergovernmental Relations reveals “irrefutable evidence of waste and extravagance” in connection with all Federal Aid, as Christian stewards we should not encourage such waste,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the National Association of Evangelicals reaffirm its stand of opposition to Federal Aid to Education.