The Scriptures declare that God created us male and female. Furthermore, the biblical record shows that sexual union was established exclusively within the context of a male-female relationship (Genesis 2:24), and formalized in the institution of marriage. The partner for man was woman. Together they were to be one flesh, In the New Testament, the oneness of male and female in marriage pictures the relationship between Christ and His Church (Ephesians 5:22-33). Everywhere in Scripture the sexual relationship between man and woman within the bonds of marriage is viewed as something natural and beautiful.
Homosexual activity, like adulterous relationships, is clearly condemned in the Scriptures. In Leviticus 18:22 God declares the practice of homosexuality an abomination in His sight. In Romans 1:26-27 the practice of homosexuality is described as a degrading and unnatural passion. I Corinthians 6:9-10 identifies the practice of homosexuality as a sin that, if persisted in, brings grave consequences in this life and excludes one from the Kingdom of God,
The Apostle Paul, strong in his condemnation of the practice of homosexuality, also testifies that those once engaged in homosexuality were among those who were forgiven and changed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:11). This declaration offers hope both for forgiveness and for healing. Individual Christians, ministers, and congregations need to maintain the belief that all human beings have sinned, and that all Christians have received God’s mercy while helpless, ungodly, and hostile to God. In the name of Christ we proclaim forgiveness, cleansing, restoration and power for godly living for all who repent and believe the gospel,
We believe that homosexuality is not an inherited condition in the same category as race, gender, or national origin, all of which are free from moral implication, We believe that homosexuality is a deviation from the Creator’s plan for human sexuality. While homosexuals as individuals are entitled to Civil Rights, including equal protection of the law, the NAE opposes legislation which would extend special consideration to such individuals based upon their “sexual orientation.” Such legislation inevitably is perceived as legitimatizing the practice of homosexuality and elevates that practice to the level of an accepted moral standard. While maintaining our opposition to proposed so-called “Gay Rights” Legislation, where such legislation has been enacted into law, NAE strongly urges that churches and religious organizations be exempted from compliance by amendment to the law. The position and practice of such organizations regarding homosexuality are determined by there religious convictions. This we hold to be a grave matter of religious freedom.
Individual Christians, ministers, and congregations should compassionately proclaim the Good News of forgiveness and encourage those involved io homosexual practices to cease those practices, accept forgiveness, and pray for deliverance as nothing is impossible with God. Further, we should accept them into fellowship upon confession of faith and repentance, as we would any other forgiven sinner (1 Corinthians 6:11).
We further call upon pastors and theologians, along with medical and sociological specialists within the Christian community to expand research on the factors which give rise to homosexuality and to develop therapy, pastoral care and congregational support leading to complete restoration.