Our Lord Jesus Christ, by example and teaching, made clear the Christian imperative to extend the hand of compassion to persons in temporal and physical need.

In obedience to their Head, evangelical Christians ever have made humanitarian concern an integral part of their witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind, bringing healing and help in love and with the Word of salvation both at home and abroad.

The National Association of Evangelicals, conscious of the humanitarian imperative accompanying Christian commitment, aware that the evangelistic task is executed within a sociological context, and sensitized to human misery and physical need, expresses its determination to be involved in a ministry to the whole man with the whole Gospel.

We believe it is an integral part of our faith and stewardship, that we express our Christian concern wherever we can in gracious and effective acts of help to the needy.

We resolve to press forward in an expanded program dedicated to the alleviation of suffering and want in the name of Christ.

To this end we especially recognize and commend to the churches the work of the World Relief Commission of the National Association of Evangelicals, and its vital ministry of compassion at home and abroad.