Leith Anderson is president emeritus of the National Association of Evangelicals and pastor emeritus of Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. He served as NAE president from 2007–2019, after twice serving as interim president. He served as senior pastor of Wooddale Church for 35 years before retiring in 2011. He has been published in many periodicals and has written over 20 books. Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, and is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Bradley University and Denver Seminary.
“The Assemblies of God is the fastest-growing religious body in Minnesota at a time when other Protestant groups are shrinking,” according to the Star Tribune (Minnesota’s largest newspaper).
The stories of growing evangelical churches and denominations are repeated across America. “We kind of have a church-planting fever,” according the Reverend Clarence St. John, district superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Minnesota. Why is this? Why are evangelicals growing? The reasons are multiple.
1. Evangelicals are evangelistic. While some of our growth is from the demographic birth rate we believe in the “Second Birth Rate.” We believe that sinners need Jesus Christ as Savior and should be born again. Evangelism is at the heart of who we are. Analysts say that churches grow when parishioners invite outsiders to church. If those in the church don’t invite, then churches shrink and eventually die. Evangelicals are inviters.
2. Evangelicals are church planters. As you travel across America check out the new churches meeting in schools, theaters, shopping malls and other rentable public spaces. They are almost always evangelical churches. Often these venues have waiting lists because more new churches are lined up and waiting. Many of America’s congregations are old and some are dying. Evangelicals have a hefty stock of new churches with young new converts. The future belongs to the denominations that are starting new churches.
3. Evangelicals welcome immigrants. Many of our evangelical churches were founded by immigrants during past generations. Most of our churches have generous and passionate missionary commitments around the world. With so many new immigrants coming from countries experiencing spiritual revivals and explosive growth of evangelicals, it is no wonder that immigrants are attracted to evangelical churches and that we welcome them with such delight.
4. Evangelicals keep the faith and change the methods. Some churches and denominations have changed the faith and kept the traditions. It has not gone well for most of them. Evangelicals hold on to the historic orthodox biblical Christian faith but embrace new methods that relate to our 21st century culture.
This article originally appeared in the NAE Insight.