We call on all Christians to be truthful in their dialogue, to be civil in their tone both in personal conversation and on social media, to become informed and to vote, as they regularly communicate biblical values to their community and government representatives. We urge all Christians to take their civic responsibility seriously even when they are not full-time political activists so that they might more adequately call those in government to their task. We also encourage our children to consider vocations in public service.
We encourage those who engage in political and social action to do so in a manner consistent with biblical teachings. That means, among other things, that all our political activity must reflect honesty, civility and respect for opponents. We also call on Christian leaders in public office or with expertise in public policy and political life to help us deepen our understanding so that we might better fulfill our civic duties.
We call churches and ministries to cultivate commitment to public justice among their members. Seminaries and Christian colleges have a special obligation to instill in future leaders a sense of civic responsibility. We call all Christians to a political engagement that aims to protect the vulnerable and poor, to guard the sanctity of human life, to further racial reconciliation and justice, to strengthen family life, to care for creation, and to promote justice, freedom and peace for all.
We commit ourselves to regular prayer for those who govern, that God may prosper their efforts to nurture life, justice, freedom and peace.