Strong and effective churches and denominations are essential to a vibrant gospel witness. More than 40 denominations and 45,000 churches have found a home at the NAE.
In support of these partners, the NAE convenes gatherings, facilitates conversations, leads movements and provides resources on a host of issues relevant to the evangelical community. A few examples are as follows:
COVID-19 Response
The NAE was at the forefront of developing resources for Christian communities across the country to address this unprecedented crisis:
- Website resource hubs ( and
- Weekly webinar and town hall series for churches and leaders to navigate the complexity of the crisis (in partnership with Wheaton College’s Humanitarian Disaster Institute)
Financial Health
This NAE initiative offers solutions for pastors and churches facing economic challenges. As our research illustrates, most pastors and spouses suffer in silence when it comes to the financial challenges in their home and church. This project focuses on connecting and resourcing denominations, churches and pastors in the area of pastor finances.
One specific program of Financial Health that has been very effective is Bless Your Pastor (BYP). BYP mobilizes local churches with creative ideas and financial incentives to appreciate, encourage and bless their pastors in practical and meaningful ways. This “hands on” program facilitates active involvement from congregations.
- Over 1,900 churches participated in 2020
- Church congregations collected more than $1.2 million in special offerings for their pastors
- Thousands of acts of kindness and generosity were performed on behalf of pastors and their families by the members of their congregations.
Code of Ethics for Pastors
Biblically-based guidelines for clergy to exercise trustworthiness, integrity, purity, fairness and accountability in their ministry and leadership.
Code of Ethics for Congregations
Biblically-based guidelines for congregations and their leadership teams to make wise decisions.
The NAE board and staff are continually assessing the needs of the wider evangelical community to discern how we can most effectively come alongside denominations and churches. The success of the Bless Your Pastor movement in particular has significantly expanded opportunities for serving churches across the country. We seek to continue to serve as a strong support and valued resource to these faith communities.