
“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Revelation 7:9). For good reason, this often-repeated passage brings great hope and elicits deep longing for followers of Christ. This magnificent worship service is a moment that we all look forward to experiencing … someday.

But in profound ways, we can experience foretastes of that day — here and now. For starters, the nations have come to us. There’s no denying the impact of globalization on the United States, and in other countries around the world. Immigrant believers are transforming our communities, adding vitality to our churches, and being a visible reminder of our God who is Lord of all. They are a gift to us from the global church. 

In addition, we can witness what God is doing around the world. We can partake in the global Body of Christ in ways that our forebears in the faith could have only dreamed of. Listening and learning from members of the global church is one click away on Zoom or through WhatsApp. More and more voices from the Majority World are being lifted up. Let’s hear them. We can also pray for — and stand with — brothers and sisters around the world. This is a great honor that we too often neglect. 

This magazine edition brings global church conversations to the American church. Of course, many in the United States are connected with Christians around the world. We pray that whether minimally or profoundly engaged with the global church, this edition will encourage you to take another step to explore the depth of resources and encouragement that can be found with our brothers and sisters around the world. We have much to gain.