
The development of technology is not new. Still there is a sense that today’s technology, which has the power to keep us connected all the time and everywhere, is unique. Over the past two decades, communications technology has significantly impacted how we live, work and interact with others — the implications of which we may not yet fully understand or appreciate.

Technology now connects us in ways we couldn’t have imagined. And ironically, technology has also made it easier to disconnect from others. Like many things, technology cuts both ways depending on how it is used. Technology is not an isolated, abstract concept. Rather today’s technology mirrors human nature — revealing both wholeness and brokenness.

So, how then shall we live? This Evangelicals edition considers the unique challenges and opportunities that communications technology presents Christ-followers who seek to love God and love people. It focuses on how technology impacts the church and gives advice to pastors and church leaders who desire to shepherd their people in an age of technology. We also include guidance from a ministry leader (Doug Nuenke, U.S. president of The Navigators) to other evangelical leaders on when and how to speak on local, state and national issues in a social media environment.

We need not consider technology the enemy or avoid it out of fear. Instead we should approach technology with wisdom, confidence and hope. Technology presents many opportunities for introspection, discipleship and outreach. May our approach and use of technology — like many other parts of life — be an area in which Christians display Christ to a desperate world.