End of Life

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The breath of life in all human beings is a gift from God (Genesis 2:7) and thus inherently holy. The NAE has pledged to protect the sanctity of human life and to safeguard its nature from womb to tomb. We believe that in cases where patients are terminally ill, death appears imminent and treatment offers no medical hope for recovery, it is morally appropriate to allow natural death to occur. Special care should be given to those who are dying. We also believe there is a profound moral distinction between allowing natural death and euthanasia, which is intentionally ending a life through medical intervention.

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End of Life Resources

December 23, 2024

The God Who Knits

Galen Carey

National Association of Evangelicals Resource
June 21, 2014

Finishing Well

Donald Sweeting

National Association of Evangelicals Resource
January 1, 1994

Health Care Reform