As a pastor and former CDC medical officer, Dr. Stephen Ko brings a unique and important perspective on the coronavirus and the Church’s response. His passion for evangelism and his expertise in public health inform the advice and encouragement he offers.

NAE President Walter Kim hosts Today’s Conversation, where you’ll hear Dr. Ko share:

  • How pandemics of the past compare to today’s coronavirus;
  • What epidemiological details are helpful for Christians to understand;
  • How stigma and racial stereotypes are affecting Asian Americans; and
  • What words he hopes will sum up the Church’s response.

Read a Portion of the Transcript

Walter: You’ve mentioned throughout this podcast the impact the coronavirus has had on multiple aspects of life. The coronavirus has strained the economy, mental health, education, at risk populations, community life, and on and on. It seems like our efforts must be broad and prolonged. What are the implications for the long-term nature of these challenges for the Church?

Dr. Ko: That’s a tough question. After this pandemic is over, the Church may never return to business as usual. Perhaps, Walter, that’s precisely what’s needed. We’re forced to consider church outside of building, worship without a concert, and fellowship that is intentional and creative. I hate to say it, but some churches may not survive this pandemic, Walter. Others will be born in this season of suffering, yet it’s always been during chaos and turmoil that the Church has flourished. So, I think time will tell that God is still sovereign.

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Today’s Conversation is brought to you by Christian Community Credit Union.