Galen Carey, NAE vice president of government relations, wrote a letter thanking Senator Sherrod Brown for his efforts to reauthorize the Fugitive Safe Surrender program, in which individuals with outstanding warrants are offered a way to voluntarily and peacefully surrender to authorities and take an important first step toward justice and reconciliation.
The program facilitates the safe surrender of fugitives with felony warrants in collaboration between law enforcement and church groups, offering a secure setting for surrendering. Sen. Brown emphasizes the success of the program in promoting community safety and law enforcement cooperation, highlighting its bipartisan support and positive impact on families.
December 21, 2022
The Hon. Sherrod Brown
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Brown,
Thank you for your efforts to revive and reauthorize the Fugitive Safe Surrender program, in which churches host law enforcement, social workers judges and other personnel, and individuals with outstanding warrants are offered a way to voluntarily and peacefully surrender to authorities and take an important first step toward justice and reconciliation.
One of the guiding principles of the National Association of Evangelicals is to promote just peace and restrain violence. The Fugitive Safe Surrender program offers churches a way to foster safer communities in which the rule of law is respected and offenders are given a first step toward a second chance. The program does not offer amnesty but instead promises favorable consideration within the context of prosecutorial and judicial discretion.
Accordingly, the National Association of Evangelicals looks forward to working with your office and others to build bipartisan support for the Fugitive Safe Surrender program.
Galen Carey
Vice President of Government Relations
National Association of Evangelicals