Galen Carey, NAE vice president of government relations, wrote a letter encouraging all U.S. senators to consider an amendment of the omnibus appropriations bill supporting the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), which requires employers to offer reasonable accommodations to pregnant employees, and protects women from discrimination on the basis that they are or may become pregnant. Read the letter in full below.

We are grateful that the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act passed the Senate 68-29 and has been signed into law. The new law takes effect on June 27, 2023, and applies to employers with 15 or more employees, with special protection for religious employers.


Dear Senator,

As you consider proposed amendments to the omnibus appropriations bill, please support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) amendment being offered by Senator Bill Cassidy. The PWFA will allow women who are pregnant to continue working and fulfilling their job responsibilities with reasonable accommodations that protect the health and safety of expectant mothers and their unborn children. It prohibits discrimination against women on the grounds that they are or may become pregnant. Senator Cassidy’s amendment also provides important protection for religious employers.

At its October meeting in Nashville, the Board of Directors of the National Association of Evangelicals adopted a resolution on Helping Families Flourish, which, among other things, urges Congress to adopt legislation that would “[p]rotect women from discrimination on the basis that they are or may become pregnant.” The PWFA does exactly that.

We believe the Cassidy language is consistent with a strong pro-life, pro-family commitment, and that it can attract broad bipartisan support for a policy that is urgently needed now by women who struggle to continue working and supporting their families while pregnant.

Thank you for considering these concerns.


Galen Carey
Vice President of Government Relations
National Association of Evangelicals