The Board of Directors of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) approved a resolution at its semiannual meeting on Oct. 6 that recognizes the centrality of the family to God’s vision for human beings and human society, and that calls on church, school, business and government leaders to take steps appropriate to their distinct callings to facilitate the vital work of mothers, fathers and guardians.

“In light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade and increased opportunities to serve vulnerable parents who choose life, this resolution on Helping Families Flourish serves as a north star pointing to the biblical foundations intrinsic to today’s conversation around family life and to some practical applications for churches and other sectors of society,” NAE President Walter Kim said.

The Helping Families Flourish resolution contains direct responses to care for the needs of vulnerable families, including the child tax credit, foster care support and paid family leave. It also underscores the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their children’s education and development, including in the sensitive areas of sexuality and gender identity. The resolution highlights the need to expedite issuance of family reunification visas so that immigrant families separated from their spouses, parents or siblings and facing extended waiting periods are more quickly reunited.

Kim added, “God revealed himself in the language of family: adopting us and directing us to call him Abba Father. The Church is also described with familial language in which we embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. In church ministry and through public policy, we seek efforts that strengthen families. We believe this honors God and empowers children to become productive and emotionally healthy adults.”