Virtually every stream of evangelicalism has a unique history and some distinctive theological emphases and/or traditions. While those distinctive traits define and brand us, they can also narrow and confine us. By looking at other streams we are able to learn from and appreciate how God sovereignly works through them. We also gain a deeper appreciation for how much we have in common as we respect our distinctive traits.
Randall Bach
President, Open Bible Churches
Through the diversity we have in the NAE, Converge has learned multiple methods and models for starting and strengthening churches. Our journey with one another in worship styles, congregational venues and a variety of ethnic ministry approaches has shaped our forward movement. In addition, various best practices and funding models have become examples for new organizational and revenue development. Thank you ministry partners.
Doug Fagerstrom
Senior Vice President, Converge
As an evangelical from the Reformed tradition, I appreciate the emphases on cooperative ministry among churches, and the priority of the gospel I learned growing up in a Southern Baptist church; the emphasis on the Holy Spirit delivering people from the misery of sin in Pentecostal-Charismatic churches; and the ministries of mercy that are often an integral part of Holiness churches.
Roy Taylor
Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America
When we dialogue with other evangelical traditions, we have an opportunity to look at our faith through another lens. These conversations serve to strengthen our own views and, at times, to reveal flaws that need correction. Discussions with those holding different perspectives help individuals to avoid falling into sectarian extremes.
David Wilson
General Secretary, Church of the Nazarene
This article originally appeared in the NAE Insight.