“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.” These words from Micah 6:8 not only call followers of Christ to pursue justice, but also express the heart of God for justice. Despite this shared call, we, as the Church, have often had a difficult time working across racial, denominational and other lines to pursue justice together.

Why is justice work so difficult to pursue together? What are the foundational concepts that we need to understand? How can we engage in conversations that arise in broader society on difficult topics, such as critical race theory, policing, redlining and other issues, in a way that honors God? Co-hosted by the National Association of Evangelicals and Denver Seminary, this virtual roundtable features a diverse panel of Christian leaders, including Patty Pell, Michael Emerson, D.A. Horton and Christina Edmondson, in a wide-ranging discussion on evangelicalism and justice.