Since InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was established in 1941 and Cru in 1951, the Christian organizations have independently worked to create movements on college campuses so that everyone can know someone who truly follows Jesus. But there are still more than 50 percent of U.S. campuses without a known gospel-centered organization.

We started wondering: What will it take to see spiritual awakening and revival on every college campus? As Tom frequently says, “The kingdom of God is a team sport, not a competition. We’re better together, not apart.” So, after decades of college ministry work apart, InterVarsity and Cru are working together to see gospel communities on every college campus.

It started with sharing data on a common platform, which led to co-creating and co-leading a project called “EveryCampus.” EveryCampus is a coalition of like-minded organizations working together to spark revival through mobilizing prayer and catalyzing gospel movements across American campuses.

In our work together, we ask ourselves: What would happen if we stopped caring who was bigger or better, or the most well-known? What could we accomplish if we stopped competing and started partnering? What needs to happen so that every corner of every campus hears the gospel?

Our organizations work together to mobilize intercessors, share technology, address legal challenges, and design platforms to give away their best ministry insights and tools to anyone who wants to minister on campus.

“We aren’t assigning, ‘You do that part and we will do this part.’ We are working together throughout the project,” says Dan Allan, partnership leader with Cru. “Sometimes we joke that we talk to each other more than we talk with our spouses. Collaboration requires consistent and ongoing communication. We have Cru staff members on projects led by InterVarsity staff and vice versa. We have a shared vision, shared people and shared finances with EveryCampus.”

The EveryCampus initiative has grown to more than 75 partners with over 100 groups in the process of becoming partners. Collectively we, along with other partners, prayer-walked every college campus in the United States in its first 18 months.

For InterVarsity and Cru, it isn’t about planting territorial flags or advancing any one organization’s name. It’s about advancing the kingdom of God on unreached campuses. As Steve says, “When I interact with Tom and InterVarsity, it is as if I look into a mirror and see my own passion for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. As we lock arms together, I can’t wait to see the day we see a gospel community on every campus in America.”