Carl H. Esbeck is R. B. Price Professor and Isabelle Wade & Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law emeritus at the University of Missouri. He also serves as legal counsel for the National Association of Evangelicals. Esbeck publishes widely in the area of religious liberty and church-state relations. While directing the Center for Law & Religious Freedom, he was a central part of the congressional advocacy behind the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA). Esbeck attended Cornell University School of Law where he graduated magna cum laude.
In June 2020, the Supreme Court handed down several decisions that impact religious freedom, including issues of equal treatment in funding, the ministerial exception and conscience rights.
In this webinar, NAE Legal Counsel Carl Esbeck and Christian Legal Society’s Kim Colby decode the Supreme Court’s recent decisions and their impact on religious employers and individuals for years to come.
Kim Colby has worked for Christian Legal Society’s Center for Law and Religious Freedom since graduating from Harvard Law School in 1981. She has represented religious groups in several appellate cases, including two cases heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. She has prepared several CLS publications addressing issues about religious expression in public schools, including released time programs, implementation of the Equal Access Act, and teachers’ religious expression. In addition to her law degree, Colby holds a bachelor’s degree in American history from the University of Illinois.
Press Release
June 17, 2021
Fulton Decision Affirms Religious Freedom Rights of Faith-Based Agencies
September 10, 2020
U.S. Department of Education Upholds Religious Freedom for College Students
Press Release
July 1, 2020
Supreme Court Prohibits Discrimination Against Religion in Public Benefit Programs
February 15, 2020
John Inazu | Surviving and Thriving in Deep Difference
John Inazu and Walter Kim