God has ordained the two coexisting institutions of church and state as distinct from the other with each occupying its own center of authority under a sovereign God (Romans 13:1–7; 1 Peter 2:13–17; Mark 12:13–17). We affirm the principles of religious freedom and liberty of conscience — both historically and logically at the foundation of the American experiment. We advocate for religious freedom, not only on our behalf but also on behalf of people of all religious persuasions and none. Strong religious freedom protections preserve the ability for all people to contribute in a pluralistic society. Among other activities, we file amicus briefs in this pursuit.
View All TopicsReligious Freedom - Domestic Resources
Press Release
June 17, 2021
Fulton Decision Affirms Religious Freedom Rights of Faith-Based Agencies
September 10, 2020
U.S. Department of Education Upholds Religious Freedom for College Students
Press Release
July 1, 2020
Supreme Court Prohibits Discrimination Against Religion in Public Benefit Programs
February 15, 2020
John Inazu | Surviving and Thriving in Deep Difference
John Inazu and Walter Kim