The U.S. Department of Education issued a new final rule that ensures equal access for religious student groups on public college and university campuses. The National Association of Evangelicals joined with national student ministries and religious freedom advocates to publicly commend the new rule.
Walter Kim, NAE president, said, “The right to assemble together based on religiously informed beliefs is foundational to a tolerant and truly pluralistic society. This right includes the ability to choose leaders who support the distinctive religious tenets of our groups.”
The NAE has long advocated for regulations that protect the Constitutional rights of student groups, including equal access to school facilities and the ability to choose leaders based on their deeply held beliefs.
Press Release
June 17, 2021
Fulton Decision Affirms Religious Freedom Rights of Faith-Based Agencies
Press Release
July 1, 2020
Supreme Court Prohibits Discrimination Against Religion in Public Benefit Programs
February 15, 2020
John Inazu | Surviving and Thriving in Deep Difference
John Inazu and Walter Kim