We deplore the fact that alcoholism among teenagers has reached epidemic proportions according to the National Council on Alcoholism. One in every four teenagers drinks often and alcoholism remains the number one health and social problem in the country today, resulting in tremendous loss of life, family disintegration and inefficiency in industry.
We strongly object to the widespread practice of magazine, newspaper and television advertising which portrays social drinking as attractive, healthy and normal behavior for people associating such behavior with success, beauty and enjoyment of the good life for which the liquor industry spends three million dollars a day. We are appalled that such advertising has helped increase sales to the extent that in 1973 alone the American public spent over $27.2 billion. This amounts to $3.1 million an hour, 24 hours a day for alcoholic beverages.
In recognition or the tremendous influence of liquor advertising, especially on the young, we call for the passage of Bin H.R. 1659 which would prevent the liquor industry from deducting the cost of advertising before taxes. We encourage all our members to write their congressman urging favorable action on the bill.