The Bible teaches that government, though marred by sin, is a blessing from God for the common good (Romans 13:1–7, 1 Peter 2:13–14, Psalm 72:1–4). As evangelical Christians we are grateful to live in a representative democracy with a constitutional framework that provides for regular elections, separation of powers, and protection of minority rights. We celebrate the extension, albeit belated, of democratic rights to women and to citizens of all races.
As we state in our guiding document for civic engagement, “For the Health of the Nation”:
While we affirm that God can work for his purposes through all forms of political organization, we believe that representative democracy offers the best potential for honoring the fact that every individual is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27–28) with capacity for creativity, responsible decision-making, pursuing the conditions of biblical justice, and caring for the natural world that God has made.[1]
Today our democracy faces threats as the quality and tenor of political discourse continues to coarsen, increasingly untethered from a shared factual basis. Across the political spectrum, trust in our institutions, leaders and even the rule of law has reached a dangerous low.[2]
As church leaders we acknowledge and seek God’s forgiveness for contributing to this crisis, both through what we have done and through what we have left undone. We have, at times, tolerated and excused abuse of power by leaders in both church and society, and we have not adequately articulated and demonstrated an alternative vision for human flourishing underpinned by just governance and public morality.
To meet these challenges, the National Association of Evangelicals commends our publication, “For the Health of the Nation,” as a critical resource for churches, schools and citizens who seek a positive, biblical vision for our national life. We urge congregations to facilitate discussions in their small groups and adult education classes. We encourage schools to incorporate this resource into their curriculum.
Despite our profound differences, may we find common ground with our fellow citizens to meet these challenges so that our nation may flourish. The Bible urges us to pray for all people and for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1–2), and so we call on every evangelical Christian to pray diligently for our country and our leaders.
[1] “For the Health of the Nation: An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility,” National Association of Evangelicals, 2018, (accessed October 5, 2023), 18.
[2] Jeffrey M. Jones, “Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low,” Gallup, July 5, 2022, (accessed October 5, 2023).
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