The National Association of Evangelicals reaffirms its historical position that all persons in our nation should equally enjoy those freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. In 1956 we stated our opposition to “discriminatory practices against racial minorities” and again pledged to live up to our “moral responsibility to work effectively and openly for…equal rights and opportunities for every individual.”

We have consistently held that adherence to the Bible’s teachings, with the practice of Christian principles in social, economic and political life, is relevant to the solution of all social problems and the establishment of the best human relations. The transformation of mankind through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ breaks down prejudices and causes justice to prevail.

We are deeply concerned about the anguish suffered by those minority groups who have been denied their civil rights. We are grateful that increasing numbers of people enjoy the rights of free men. We commend those communities which are peacefully solving their civil rights problems.

We deplore violent means to achieve or to prevent the achievement of civil rights, as well as the by-passing of lawful avenues to secure redress for real or supposed breaches of social justice.

We realize that laws alone are not the full answer and that we have not thus far found adequate means of guaranteeing full civil rights to all segments of our society. In some areas there are still acute tensions between races and classes of people. We believe that because of these deep-rooted civil rights problems, our nation needs God’s mercy, grace and help in these critical times.

We therefore urge that the constituency of the National Association of Evangelicals seek divine help through prayer and that we commit ourselves to courageous Christian action for the advancement of freedom for all people. We should minister increasingly, under the Holy Spirit’s direction, to deprived people across our land motivated by the dynamic of love. We commend and encourage our Negro evangelical brethren both within and outside our own Association for their efforts to reach their own people with the gospel of Christ and to assist them in achieving their rightful position in American life.