We note the concern for responsible stewardship of funds and affirm that such has always been the policy of the National Association of Evangelicals and of commendable churches and charitable organizations.

We support the basic standards of responsible fund management and accountability include (1) careful accounting of receipts and expenditures; (2) an audit by a Certified Public Accountant according to the accepted rules of accounting practice; (3) a detailed financial statement submitted to board members; (4) a financial statement made available to responsible outside inquiry. We recognize our accountability before God and man in this regard.

Noting our government’s concern in the realm of fiscal policy, we affirm that government is a God-ordained entity, responsible for the advancement of good and the inhibition of evil in our world. In order to discharge this responsibility, the government must be responsible as well for the proper conduct of its own internal affairs; in this regard, we view with concern the economic posture of the government of the United States in which it continues to incur such a debt so that the interest payments alone are now $200 million per working day. We view with concern the proposed budget which will increase our debt by $60 billion and according to the predictions of some, by more than $90 billion. Such an economic profligacy means that our imagined present prosperity is actually being enjoyed by us at the expense of the unearned incomes of our great-grandchildren.

Therefore, as we remind ourselves of our fiscal responsibility we also call upon the government of the United States for that same sense of responsibility. The economic collapse which is threatened by run-away inflation could produce starvation, pillage, revolution, military invasion– the end of all of those things which we hold dear.

We further call upon our government to take to itself a new sense of economic responsibility including a balanced budget, more careful spending, and the limitation of its bureaucratic growth. Such a program alone can reduce taxation, inspire personal responsibility and build for a more stable future.