As President Donald Trump begins his second term, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) pledges to pray for him and all elected officials, asking that God would give them the wisdom and grace to lead well. The NAE also commits to collaborating with the new administration on shared priorities and to challenge policies that do not promote human flourishing.
“President Trump has articulated an ambitious agenda. We appreciate steps he is taking to restore conscience protections, uphold parents’ rights to guide the upbringing of their children, and withdraw controversial gender identity policies. We also urge his administration to reinstate vital protections for the sanctity of human life in all government programs,” said Walter Kim, president of the National Association of Evangelicals. “As evangelicals we believe that every human life from conception to death is created in God’s image and therefore holds immeasurable worth. This includes the unborn, the very young, those living in poverty or with disabilities, refugees, immigrants and other vulnerable groups. We call on the president to take seriously the responsibility to safeguard human rights and protect the sanctity of life in all its stages.”
While the NAE has long supported proposals to strengthen border security and uphold the rule of law, some of the administration’s immigration proposals go beyond border security, including policies that risk leading to family separation and a near-total ban on resettlement of refugees who are thoroughly vetted.
“It is heartbreaking to learn of refugees who have lost everything, who have gone through an extensive screening process, and even have tickets purchased to travel to the United States but are now being told that they are not welcome here,” Kim said. “The greatness of the American humanitarian spirit finds beautiful expression in our proud heritage of life-saving refugee resettlement in partnership with churches and volunteers.”
Before the presidential elections, the NAE and other evangelical leaders wrote to both major candidates urging them to pursue immigration policies that prioritize human dignity, border security and family unity. After the election the NAE joined a statement calling for continued American leadership in responding to the crisis of global displacement that currently impacts more than 100 million people made in God’s image, including many persecuted Christians.
The administration’s announced campaign of mass deportations threatens to disrupt the lives of many peaceful, productive members of our churches and communities. The withdrawal of guidance protecting houses of worship, schools and health facilities from immigration enforcement is troubling. Even the announcement of this policy has caused fear, deterring some from attending church. Likewise, if immigrants are deterred from attending school or seeking medical care, the whole community suffers.
Since 2009, the NAE has advocated for secure borders along with a sound, equitable process toward earned legal status for undocumented individuals who qualify and for policies that do not uproot mixed-status families and tear parents away from their children.
“Healthy, intact families are a tremendous asset to any community,” Kim said. “In light of the many stresses and challenges faced by American families, we should celebrate the strong family ties that so many immigrants have maintained even as many work long hours to support their children and strengthen our economy.”
“Immigrant believers are bringing new vitality to our churches and communities. We celebrate the rich racial and ethnic diversity in the United States and the ways that it strengthens and enriches our nation,” Kim added. “We lament the continued existence of racism and racial injustice within the Church and in society, and we resolve to pursue healing and reconciliation.”
In addition, the administration’s decision to halt international development assistance for at least 90 days will harm vulnerable families and communities abroad, while undermining national security. The NAE urges the administration to pursue more circumspect paths to evaluate assistance programs without adversely disrupting them.
“While we support some of the administration’s actions and disagree with others, the NAE calls on all Americans to pray regularly for President Trump, his administration, and for all our leaders,” Kim said. “We seek God’s best for our nation and the world. We are ready to work with President Trump on issues of mutual concern and remain committed to challenging policies that fail to promote human flourishing.”