WHEREAS the lucrative business of pornography has greatly increased the flow of obscene literature and
WHEREAS the distribution of this salacious filth has resulted in an appalling erosion of our moral standards: an educator speaks out in favor of free love; a clergyman condones sexual excursions by unmarried adults; TV shows and TV commercials pour out a flood of sick, sadistic and suggestive sex situations; a campaign is launched to bring acceptance to homosexuality; radio broadcasts discuss the pros and cons of promiscuity: birth control- counsel is advocated for high school girls; and we have harvested a whirlwind. As our standards have lowered, our crime levels and social problems have increased, and
WHEREAS the U. S. Supreme Court has held that obscenity is not protected by the U. S. Constitution and that “contemporary community standards” may be enforced by law, and
WHEREAS the U. S. Supreme Court has upheld the rights of States to have a film censorship law to preclude the showing of objectionable m0tion pictures, but –
WHEREAS several recent decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court have overruled the decisions of state courts in obscenity cases, in effect making the highest court of the land a board of censors as to what constitutes obscenity,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association of Evangelicals:
I. Commends the U. S. Supreme Court for its purpose to promote objective justice and proper interpretation of the U. S. Constitution regarding the control of obscenity, but deplores any of the court’s decisions which undercut the responsibility of the states to deal effectively with obscenity oases, thus significantly encouraging the traffic in obscenity.
II. Calls upon all Christian people to increase their efforts to raise the community standards of decency.
III. Expresses its appreciation for the Citizens for Decent Literature and the more than 300 civic groups that are effectively working with law enforcing agencies to combat obscenity.
IV. Recommends that Christians lend their support and active cooperation to civic organizations dedicated to the combating of obscenity.