Creation Care Books
- A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions by Katherine Hayhoe and Andrew Farley
- Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement by Steven Bouma-Prediger and Brian J. Walsh
- Christianity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Living by Nick Spencer, Robert White and Virginia Vroblesky
- Creation Care: Keepers of the Earth by Luke Gascho
- Creation in Crisis: Christian Perspectives on Sustainability by Robert White
- Earthwise: A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care, 3rd ed. by Calvin B. DeWitt
- For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care by Steven Bouma-Prediger
- Global Warming and the Risen Lord: Christian Discipleship and Climate Change by Jim Ball
- Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth by Larry Schweiger
- Our Father’s World: Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation by Edward R. Brown
- Saving God’s Green Earth: Rediscovering the Church’s Responsibility to Environmental Stewardship by Tri Robinson and Jason Chatraw
- Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God’s People by Scott Sabin
- The Holy Earth: Toward a New Environmental Ethic by Mineola Liberty Hyde Bailey and Norman Wirzba
- Walking Gently on Earth: Making Faithful Choices about Food, Energy by Lisa Graham McMinn and Megan Anna Neff
Scientific Resources
The U.S. National Academies of Sciences has produced innumerable reports and resources pertaining to climate change, found most easily at “Climate Resources at the National Academies”
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association provides an annual report on climate along with many other resources