The world’s climate is changing in ways that have already upended millions of lives. Poor and vulnerable people, especially children, have suffered the most, but the problems discussed in this publication threaten us all. When people are suffering and God’s creation is groaning, Bible-believing Christians cannot sit idly by; we must respond. But how?

Here are some of the ways we can make a difference:

  1. Learn. We can’t all be climate scientists, but we can all learn more about the beautiful world God has made and entrusted to our care. Start with the Bible. Read this booklet. Organize a creation care study group in your church. Suggested resources for further study are available at
  2. Pray. Pray for discernment when sorting through confusing messages about climate change. Pray for vulnerable people who lack resources, as they are most impacted. Pray for our church and government leaders as they process opportunities to care for creation. Pray for the Earth itself, that its ecosystems would heal. Ask what God wants you to do about the threats to the health and survival of human beings, as well as the animals and plants on which we rely. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. God will show you the next steps.
  3. Prepare. Develop an emergency plan for surviving storms, floods, fires, heat waves and other disasters that may affect your community. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has helpful planning guides. Consider how you can help other vulnerable people in your community be prepared for crises as well as your own family.
  4. Serve. Join or organize projects that assist those most at risk in your church or community. Reach out to neighbors who need your help. Serve with organizations both faith-based and secular that are working on climate change.
  5. Give. Contribute to environmental missionaries, evangelical creation care organizations, and humanitarian ministries that are helping vulnerable communities become more resilient and adapt in the face of climate change.
  6. Conserve. Live more simply and use energy more efficiently. Consider buying sustainable foods, recycling, composting, and switching to renewable energy sources and less polluting vehicles. Live with restraint. Take advantage of tax incentives to weatherize your home and business. Encourage your church and workplace to adopt money-saving energy efficiency measures. Make choices that express your love for God and care for his world and the people he has made.
  7. Advocate. Join the NAE Advocacy Center at Support policies that promote responsible care of God’s creation: Urge government leaders to support energy efficiency standards, clean (or low-pollution) transportation, low carbon goals, and sustainable agriculture. Ask our leaders to provide safe drinking water for our brothers and sisters, protect the air we and our neighbors breathe, and protect wildlife and their natural habitats. Let your members of Congress know that you want them to work together to develop sensible solutions to meet the challenges of a changing climate. Consider the policy proposals of those who seek your vote, and encourage others to do the same.