Among the many crises of our time there looms a major crisis in elementary and secondary education.

Many public schools are doing well in inculcating moral and spiritual values along with the basics of a secular education.

Private schools, under severe financial handicaps, in many cases operate independently and without the interest in garnering public funds often attributed to them.

We of the National Association of Evangelicals believe that the home is the basic agency for Christian education and that Christian parents have a special responsibility, under God, to oversee the education of their children to the end, that such education shall be founded upon and proceed in the nurture and admonition of the Lord

Unless basic education is rooted and grounded in Biblical Revelation it must be considered incomplete from the standpoint of the Christian faith and of the Great Commission.

The public school, while filling an important role in society, cannot by its very, nature accomplish everything necessary for education from a Christian perspective.

In most public classrooms in America today the Bible is not taught as God’s revelation, the distinctives of the faith cannot be inculcated and a Christian philosophy of history is not suggested.

The very secular nature of our culture, therefore, adds special significance to the unique contribution which is being made in our time by the Christian day school.

We believe that the Christian day school embodies the potential of being an ideal educational agency devoted to the support of the Christian perspective in life as well as an agency supplementing the teaching responsibilities of home and church.

The National Association of Evangelicals therefore encourages our pastors and churches to consider the value of the Christian day school as they explore ways and means of making the best possible us of church plants and equipment throughout the week.

We call on parents to acquaint themselves with the type of education their children are getting, comparing the contribution of the public schools in their area with the spiritual and educational contribution of the intentionally Christian school.

Where possible we urge the establishment of Christian schools, and in all education the support of a positive Christian perspective against the prevailing secular philosophies of the day.