In these times of compromise and collaboration with the enemies of freedom, we call the Christian citizens of America to aggressive action against Red Communism.
Students of modem Communism are aware that it has four basic hypotheses: 1) Destructive atheism, 2) scientific materialism, 3) economic determinism, and 4) world conquest. Co-existence and collaboration with such a system means the eventual extermination of every Christian concept of life and the people who hold such concepts.
The basic postulate of Marxism is, “There is no God.” The activation of this belief will eventuate in the destruction not only of organized religion but of all national morality and any fixed criteria of truth and error.
There is no such thing as compromise with atheistic communism. Coexistence with the devil is repugnant to any Christian and as followers of Christ we cannot pursue a policy of “live and let live” with hell. We cannot close our eyes to the slavery, cruelty, theft and deceit with which Red Communism has enveloped more than a third of the human race and is creeping relentlessly forward to engulf the whole world.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the NAE recommit itself wholeheartedly to an aggressive and unrelenting campaign against this enemy of righteousness and freedom and urge all Christian Americans to join in this endeavor.