Whereas, America faces serious domestic and international problems and crises, which demand sober evaluation and decisive action based upon moral integrity, and
Whereas, the disintegration of the American family is being aggravated by the use of alcoholic beverages, and
Whereas, there are increasing evidences of the menacing strain on the spiritual, mental and physical health of the American people as a result of the traffic in alcoholic beverages, and
Whereas, the liquor industry is having a corrupting influence upon the political life of these United States:
BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the National Association of Evangelicals:
(1) We favor legislation to protect the home, the church, the state and our economic order from being victimized by the liquor traffic, especially thru insidious advertising and propaganda.
(2) We favor all efforts to inform our citizens of the spiritual, mental, social and economic consequences of the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
(3) We commend the House of Representatives of the United States for its overwhelming approval of the bill to prohibit liquor service aboard all American commercial and military passenger planes and that we urge the passing of this legislation by the Eighty-fifth Congress of the United States.
(4) We deplore the use of beverage alcohol by those within our government to whom has been committed the making of policies affecting not only the destiny of our own country, but the destinies of other peoples throughout the world.