The movie industry is a major force in influencing the morality and taste of the young. Even though the industry established ratings to protect the youth against explicit portrayal: of sex, vulgarity and violence in movies and to assist the general public in making discretionary choices in movie attendance; yet in key attractions in drama and comedy with “PG” ratings frequently geared to teenage levels, parents are encountering words and actions in these movies which violate the moral standards of their homes. When such movies and their ratings become television, productions, the family is only partially protected by late-hour viewing and advance warnings.
Therefore, the National Association of Evangelicals protests the lowered moral standards relating to sex, vulgarity, blasphemy and violence in movie ratings and calls for the motion picture and television rating committees to rework the criteria for setting standards in consultation with representatives of parents and church groups.
The NAE further urges the association membership, particularly denominations and churches, to take appropriate action to implement forcefully these concerns with the motion picture and television industry as soon as possible.