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Viewing 61 Results

October 5, 2023 | Resolution

Preserving Our Democracy

October 6, 2022 | Resolution

Helping Families Flourish

October 13, 2016 | Resolution

Biotechnology and Bioethics

October 13, 2016 | Resolution

Education Equity

October 15, 2015 | Resolution

Capital Punishment

October 15, 2015 | Resolution

Caring for God’s Creation

January 1, 2014 | Resolution

Predatory Lending

January 1, 2014 | Resolution

Allowing Natural Death

January 1, 2011 | Resolution

Nuclear Weapons

January 1, 2011 | Resolution

Lowering the Debt, Raising the Poor

January 1, 2010 | Resolution


January 1, 2009 | Resolution

Immigration (Spanish version)

January 1, 2009 | Resolution


March 11, 2005 | Resolution

Bioethics and Stem Cell Research

January 1, 2003 | Resolution

Faith Based Initiative

January 1, 2002 | Resolution

Worldwide Religious Persecution

January 1, 2000 | Resolution

Charitable Choice

January 1, 2000 | Resolution

Refugee Protection and Care

January 1, 1999 | Resolution

Trafficking in Women and Children

January 1, 1999 | Resolution

Economic and Cultural Renewal

January 1, 1998 | Resolution

Pornography and Obscenity

January 1, 1998 | Resolution

Declaration for Public Education

January 1, 1998 | Resolution

Housing For the Least of These

January 1, 1998 | Resolution

Ministry to Senior Adults

January 1, 1997 | Resolution

Heeding the Call of the Poor

January 1, 1997 | Resolution

Partial Birth Abortion 1997

January 1, 1996 | Resolution

Worldwide Religious Persecution

January 1, 1994 | Resolution

Health Care Reform 1994

January 1, 1994 | Resolution

Health Care Reform

January 1, 1991 | Resolution


January 1, 1990 | Resolution


January 1, 1989 | Resolution

Child Care and the Federal Government

January 1, 1989 | Resolution

Ministry to Persons with Disabilities

January 1, 1988 | Resolution

Family Violence

January 1, 1988 | Resolution

Christian Leaders and Family Life

January 1, 1987 | Resolution

Peace, Freedom and Human Rights

January 1, 1986 | Resolution

Peace, Freedom and Security Studies

January 1, 1985 | Resolution


January 1, 1984 | Resolution

Fiscal Responsibility

January 1, 1983 | Resolution

Sentencing Reform

January 1, 1982 | Resolution

Nuclear Holocaust

January 1, 1982 | Resolution

Drunk Driving

January 1, 1979 | Resolution

Charitable Contributions

January 1, 1977 | Resolution

Use of Force

October 1, 1973 | Resolution

Abortion 1973

January 1, 1973 | Resolution

Employment and Religious Freedom

January 1, 1973 | Resolution

Capital Punishment 1973

January 1, 1972 | Resolution

Parental Rights in Education 1972

January 1, 1971 | Resolution

Environment and Ecology

January 1, 1970 | Resolution

Middle East

January 1, 1970 | Resolution


January 1, 1964 | Resolution

Amendment to Public Law 480

January 1, 1962 | Resolution

Secularism in Education 1962

January 1, 1956 | Resolution

Human Rights