A broad group of evangelical leaders from a wide range of denominations and backgrounds has come together to call for united prayer for peace on the Korean peninsula. “… we unite in prayer for permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. We do this mindful of the millions of lives, including more than 230,000 Americans, that would be threatened by an escalation of conflict there,” the call states.
“Evangelicals have long been concerned about religious persecution and other human rights violations in North Korea, as well as the destabilizing impact of North Korea’s nuclear program,” said Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). “Now we face the possibility of a war in which many thousands, and perhaps millions of civilians, including many Americans, would be killed.”
The NAE encourages Christians of all denominations to join the call to prayer both individually and in their congregations. For more information and to sign the Evangelical Call to Prayer for Just Peace on the Korean Peninsula, visit EvangelicalsForPeace.org/northkorea.
Anderson said, “We pray God will guide all leaders involved toward a just and peaceful resolution of the conflicts between our nations.”