Tish Harrison Warren found her home in the Anglican Church in North America many years ago. Her ministry calling and the ongoing act of Jesus’ grace led her to a special connection with believers on the other side of the world. Having a global perspective, Tish believes, can change the way all evangelicals pray, worship and think about our neighbors.
In Today’s Conversation podcast, Tish and NAE President Walter Kim discuss:
How evangelicalism has shaped her piety;
The importance of emphasizing global evangelicalism;
How American evangelicals can be more globally minded; and
What she learned about being a faithful witness in our cultural climate.
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Walter: As we draw to a close, I want to point our attention to the book you have recently written, “Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep,” which explores themes of human vulnerability, of suffering, of God’s apparent absence. If you were to encapsulate a lesson from this book for our cultural moment — the common struggles that we have with fear and love, a desire for God’s presence and how do we find that in moments where God appears absent — what’s something from this work that you would give as a final word of encouragement or maybe even challenge for us?
Tish: Well the book is sort of looking at how do we continue to trust God when God makes no guarantee that bad things will not happen to us…. The ultimate hope of how we respond to our vulnerability — vulnerability that comes from mortality, that comes from living in a world where darkness is very real, certainly we are all feeling this right now with COVID, but also I would say our vulnerability that we sometimes feel as evangelicals, our cultural vulnerability … — is that our hope can’t be that everything is going to work out for us. We know that that may not be true. And our hope can’t be that we are going to beat it, that we are going to get enough power or privilege to make everything go well for the church, or make everything go well for our family or our children. The hope really must be rooted in the love of God, and in the fact that in all of our suffering, God meets us in our suffering. But also we meet God; we join in the sufferings of Jesus and somehow, mysteriously, are taken up into the life of God through our suffering.
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Tish Harrison Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America. She is the author of “The Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life” and “Prayers in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep.” Harrison Warren has worked in ministry settings for over a decade as an InterVarsity campus minister, an associate rector and a writer-in-residence. She is a monthly columnist with Christianity Today, a founding member of The Pelican Project, and a senior fellow with the Trinity Forum.
Walter Kim became the president of the National Association of Evangelicals in January 2020. He previously served as a pastor at Boston’s historic Park Street Church and at churches in Vancouver, Canada and Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as a campus chaplain at Yale University. He preaches, writes and engages in collaborative leadership to connect the Bible to the intellectual and cultural issues of the day. He regularly teaches in conferences and classrooms; addresses faith concerns with elected officials and public institutions; and provides theological and cultural commentary to leading news outlets. He serves on the boards of Christianity Today and World Relief and consults with a wide range of organizations. Kim received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, his M.Div. from Regent College in Vancouver, and his B.A. from Northwestern University.