Gold, tin, tantalum, tungsten (the “3 T’s”), are mined in eastern Congo and are in all consumer electronics products. Armed groups earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by trading these minerals, and they fight, murder and rape innocent civilians to control the mines. Galen Carey, Vice President for Government Relations, wrote the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade to pressure the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue final rules requiring disclosure from companies that purchase conflict minerals.

Dear Chairman Miller and Members of the Subcommittee,

As you meet to review implementation of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, please press the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue final rules governing disclosure requirements for companies that purchase conflict minerals.

American evangelicals have a long record of generous support for missionary work and humanitarian aid to Congo. We are aware of the tragic history of this country, with ongoing conflicts fueled by child soldiers, slave labor, sexual violence and the illicit trade in rare natural resources that are commonly known as conflict minerals. That is why we were heartened when Congress included the Section 1502 conflict mineral disclosure requirements in the financial reform bill. We are confident that American consumers, when presented with accurate information, will choose to purchase technology products that do not indirectly subsidize rape and killing in the Congo.

We are concerned that the SEC has delayed issuing final rules, and even more that some in the Congress want to water down or eliminate these important provisions. We urge that any discussion of the regulations consider their many benefits, including the moral value of protecting human life and dignity, the economic benefit of creating a level playing field that protects businesses from unethical competition, and the improved security that will come from bringing stability to a troubled area in the heart of Africa.

We respectfully request that this letter be included in the record of your deliberations.


Galen Carey
Vice President, Government Relations